Explorer patcher

Explorer Patchers has been created with the purpose of enhancing your Windows 11 experience. This amazing software piece can make you feel like you are on the operating system, Windows 10. Explorer patcher is able to restore the taskbar and menus that you are familiar with in windows 10 to Windows 11. It is not a secret that Windows 10 is one of the most user-friendliest operating systems that our generation has ever witnessed. Therefore, this simple application lets you carry the good features that windows 10 has into its latest versions. This application is very small in size but it carries some really impressive features with it. Explorer Patcher is less than 2MB in file size. You can simply download the file with the button below. If you are facing any errors while downloading, kindly pass the issue to our attention.

To Download, Click Download Button Below


Please Note !

We are not the creator of this amazing software piece, We thought of sharing the information and the latest version of the software since it is one of the coolest applications for Windows 11.

Credits -

All the credits go to the respective developer of Explorer Patcher.